“Flightseeing” Has Come to Stay

Cooperation with smaller players is important to Mittarfeqarfiit. Having good contact with them and consequently boosting activity levels at our airports means a lot to us. If travel to Greenland...

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Acting CEO

After 4 years with the company CEO Jens Lauridsen is resigning from his position at Greenland Airports by the end of August. Together with the Board of Directors, Operations Director...

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Arctic Winter Gamesertoqarneranut atatillugu suliaq naammassisaq angisuumik iluarisimaarneqartoq

Angallattut 2000´ ngajaat timmisartunik 150´nik angallanneqarput weekendit marluk ingerlanerini- sulisugut Kangerlussuarmi Nuummilu Arctic Winter Gamesertoqarneranut atatillugu timmisartuusseqattartoqarnerani annertoorsuarmik suliaqarsimapput. Malunnartumik iluarisimaarinnittoqarpoq Mittarfeqarfiit, massakkumut Kalaallit-Nunaata oqaluttuarisaanerani aatsaat taama angitigisumik aaqqissuussisoqarnerani, sullissisimanerannut...

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Everyone satisfied with the work related to the Arctic Winter Games

Almost 2,000 people were transported and approximately 150 aircraft landed and took off over two weekends - the employees of both Kangerlussuaq and Nuuk airports did a great job in...

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Mittarfeqarfiit lower the price of fuel

Polaroil today announced lower cost prices for fuels. Mittarfeqarfiit follow up with lower prices per. January 5, 2016 with the same relative price drops as Polaroil.

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See the Greenland Ice Sheet in Kangerlussuaq airport

You might not be able to smell the ice, but travellers going through Kangerlussuaq airport will now have the opportunity to visualise large scale images of Greenland’s dramatic nature, including...

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Video: Firefighting at Kangerlussuaq Airport

Firefighter René Hoff with his GoPro camera recorded some beautiful sequences from work in Kangerlussuaq Airport. http://youtu.be/dYc27cMgyJQ Follow Greenland Airports on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groenlandslufthavne  

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Documentary about Nerlerit Inaat 

Greenland Airports has agreed with the British broadcaster ITV on filming a documentary at the remote airport Nerlerit Inaat. ITV is the second largest broadcaster in the country, with up...

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Mittarfeqarfiit becomes AWG-sponsor

Mittarfeqarfiit, Greenland Airports, have signed a Nanoq-sponsor agreement with Arctic Winter Games 2016 (AWG2016). The sponsorship absolves domestic traveling athletes in Greenland for airport charges. Simultaneously, Mittarfeqarfiit will help (AWG2016)...

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Greenland Airports signs freight agreements with Air Iceland

Greenland Airports and Air Iceland Cargo will jointly make it easier to import goods to Greenland. Two new collaboration between the companies will provide more flexible and better freight shipping...

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Udover drift af vores lufthavne byder vi på et hav af services...

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Besøg vores hotel i Narsarsuaq

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