Nerlerit Inaat

Accommodation, Apartment Openings and Catering at Remote Greenland Airport locations

In relation to requesting a spare key and unlocking a door

Spare key/door unlocking services: DKK 748,00
New Key: DKK 231,00

There are a total of 16 beds, in 8 rooms with 2 beds, per room.
In the summer season there are 8 beds more, in 4 rooms in 2 containers.
There is access to shared kitchen and living rooms as well shared bathrooms/toilets (dry closet).

Airport manager: Robert Larsen,
Airport manager: Søren pedersen,
For booking of rooms,
Reservation at least 24 hours prior to arrival is required.
For weekend stays, reservations are due by Thursday

Catering in Nerlerit Inaat

All meals are available at the airport cafeteria. Please note that guests must observe the scheduled mealtimes.

Booking formular
Booking of luggage transport

Prices per accommodation:

Single room (if available) DKK 1.352,00
Bed in a dormitory room n/a
Breakfast * DKK 164,00
Lunch ** DKK 188,00
Dinner ** DKK 285,00
Lunch Box DKK 108,00

* Breakfast is only available in connection with accommodation.
** Lunch and dinner only in connection with accommodation and must be ordered.

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